The ABCs of Highland Park

Would you like to play a game?

It’s summertime!  As you are out, enjoying the weather, and walking around town, the Highland Park Arts Commission invites you, your friends, and your families to play a little game as you take a closer look at the art of design around us.
(There is important psychology behind the colors, sizes, and fonts of logos -- it is a true art form that creates emotional reaction.)

    To play, take the game board along with you on your walks and see how many of the letters you can match up with the HP business sign that they come from. 

When you are ready and you think you’ve got them all, email us your answers -- a list of A to Z -- at

          Prizes will go to the FIRST person / family to get all correct and we’ll raffle a second prize from a pool of entrants who get all the letters correct before the deadline.


From A to Z, the game board shows every letter of the alphabet, each taken from a sign from a business located somewhere in Highland Park.

  1. Each letter comes from a different sign. (Each business will only appear once.)

  2. The letters are from the business’s name. (In other words, none of the letters are from a “Welcome” sign or a “No Soliciting” sign posted on the business.

  3. The signs are all visible from the outside of the business.

  4. The letters are not necessarily the first letter of the business name.  It may come from anywhere within the business’s title.

  5. Some photos have been cropped to offer you some clues -- giving you a peek at neighboring letters or the building material. (You’re welcome!)

  6. You CAN submit your guesses as a family.  In fact, we encourage you to make a game of this with all of your friends and family -- enjoy walking around town together!

    Email Nikki Gonzalez at


HP 24-Hour, 250 Word Writing Contest


Positivity Puffs by HP Guerilla Art Club