HP Guerilla Art Club for Kids

The First Meeting

The HP Guerilla Art Club kicked off the very first meeting with an icebreaker to get to know each other with a bag full of "Would You Rather...?" questions. The most hotly debated question of the day? "Would you rather be forever recorded in history books for something terrible you did or die nameless and forgotten?" Do you have an answer?

The kids then went on to work on two projects. We painted pre-fab birdhouses but discussed how art is about the message you want to send. Did they want to design their birdhouses to blend with nature (gluing on sticks, leaves, and flowers) or did they want to make a bold, louder statement with neons and patterns? The result was a beautiful, creative assortment of meaningful birdhouses.

The second project was hand-sewn pockets filled with dirt and a single flower designed to be strung around a telephone pole (or tree). We discussed how we can bring art and nature into unusual places -- even places that don't have many flowers / trees.

These young kids were inspiring and passionate. They had a lot to say about the world and things they care about. Overall the very first meeting was a resounding success!

The Guerilla Art Club meets once a month. It is for grades 4-12 and there is no fee. You can find out more information about the club and register on the HP Recreation site - the link is below.


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W.O.U. Closing Ceremony